Submit Your Film

    We do not accept actual video files until your film has been selected to be on the ARP platform. To submit your film trailer, please set it as private on YouTube or Vimeo, and provide the link below. Please ensure that your video is not public as it can disqualify your submission.

    We do not accept actual video files until your film has been selected to be on the ARP platform. To submit your official film, please set it as private on YouTube or Vimeo, and provide the link below. If you have multiple episodes you can submit your film as one entire running video, or separate each episode by a comma. Please ensure that your video is not public as it can disqualify your submission.

    By checking this box I agree to the terms and agreements and privacy policy. I understand that by submitting my film, it does not guarantee that my submission will be selected on the ARP App Platform.