
We’re ready for you to upload your performance. So before March 8th, you’ll need to upload your performance for the music festival. It’s really easy.

Here’s how:

  1. Download the Artist Replugged mobile app
  2. Sign up as ‘I am an Artist’
  3. Select the profile icon in the bottom right
  4. Select ‘Submit Performance’
  5. Fill in all mandatory fields
  6. Upload your video
  7. Submit your performance

We’ll receive your performance and schedule it for the day of the festival.

Now, here’s the performance criteria and guidelines:

  1. It Can not be a music video that’s cut up
  2. It Can not be a video that’s already been used
  3. The video must be recorded in portrait mode (vertical)
  4. The performance video can not be longer than 7 minutes
  5. Be yourself, and Treat this just as if you’re performing live in front of an audience, because thousands will be viewing

P.S. invite friends and fans to view, comment, and ‘plug.’ Top artists with the most, combined, will receive $500.

If you have any questions, please contact us, or DM us on Instagram